Click HERE
for Pictures from Sarah Crossman (9/13/2007) and HERE
for the post with here latest news.
*written by John Crossman
"Dougie and Ya-Ya,
Hmmm, given the rather complete monologue that followed my humble
reply (earlier), it appears that I have only done half a job. Herewith
is an update on the remainder of the Crosspersons:
Sarah and husband Steve are in Vicenza, Italy and have been there
for a few months now. Just now setting up their house after getting
household goods a few weeks ago. They got a separate house on a
US stairwell apartments for them, nosirree-bob. Steve
is the S-2 of the 173rd Airborne Bde and faces a year-long deployment
starting sometime after Christmas. Their dawg, Terra and daughter
Evan are both with them, of course. Attached file "Evan Sept
28, 2004" applies in this case; she bears an uncanny resemblance
to Sarah at that age.
Karen and husband Lupe are still in Puyallup, about a dozen miles
from our place. He's in the landscaping biz and she's job-hunting
for something she can do from home, so she can take care of Clara,
now about 3 months old, without having to deal with the cost of
day-care. As an alternative, she's also offered to do some part-time
managerial stuff at Kinko's (the one from which she recently resigned),
just to "help out"....all with the proviso that she can
bring the baby into work in a baby carrier and tend to her in one
of the back rooms. Attached file "Clara 2" is the proper
reference here.
Sniffo and fiancé Jerod Nace just bought a house, and a bunch
of stuff to put in it, in Tacoma, also about 12 miles from our place.
They've only been moving in for about a week (plus), so the place
is still a litter of boxes....and not enough shelving upon which
to put things (sound familiar?). She still works for a major accounting
firm and has risen above the receptionist level she occupied for
some she's doing marketing as well. Jerod works for the
Rainier Pacific bank. It's worth noting that both of these financial
wizards have degrees in theater and music and such, so that their
acumen in the financial world is apparently solely the result of
OJT. They just got a 5-week-old golden retriever poopy (no, not
a typo)....just what they need to accompany their moving-in efforts.
File "Jerod-Steph_2" applies in this case.
Went out to the Oly airport today for my bi-weekly funsie flight
and the fog was so thick I couldn't even see the other side of the
airfield. Soooo, had to re-schedule for another time (sigh). you're completely up to date.
Regards to all the guys,
"Uncle Dougie,
Oh, snivel snivel whine whine. Of course there is somebody here
and, true to form, I hang on your every word. Really, I do. Just
got preoccupied with running an NRA coach school (wherein we train
prospective smallbore rifle coaches) and am still fairly bogged
down in the paperwork associated with that drill. Nice to hear from
you, all the sniveling notwithstanding. :-)
All is well at Chez Crossman. Dan is in the throes of 9th grade
and is playing french horn in the school band, playing string bass
in the school jazz band, taking fencing lessons (of all things)
and, most recently, has been selected for the "Young Scrooge"
role in a local production of A Christmas Carol. Regrettably, it's
not all that local, so Cathrun and I will spend about 2 hours round
trip to get him to and from rehearsals...6 times a week. Steph's
fiancee has also been selected for a role, so there is the likelihood
that he'll be able to haul Dan up and back a few times per week.
Cath'run is still up to her clerical collar in church activities
and enjoying it a whole what else is new? I am still
up to my sling in shooter activites, and similarly enjoying it all....although
I will confess that I occasionally tire of having to 'splain to
some munchkin which end of the rifle goes against his damn shoulder.
At my near-senile age, I really prefer to work with the more advanced
shooters, but you take the cards you're dealt, I guess.
Und Ihnen? Vot's new mit der Familie Black, hmmmm?
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for a gallery of the Crossmans in Action!